OCTOBER 2009 My dream came true! To see my dream come true as an Official Tourism Guide is something, I can’t explain. It has been a hard and long path to ride, of effort and perseverance, which finally gave me the deserved result. I had to undergo many hard, difficult tests and exams, but I can say I passed all of them the first time round. I am the first Spanish Guide with auditory deficiency who also knows the Official…
Guided visits for the hard of hearing and deaf people Medieval Madrid The Hapsburg Madrid. The Bourbon Madrid. Historic Madrid. Guided route of the Madrid of Saint Isidro. Route through Madrid to see the 10 oldest churches. Mysterious Madrid. Guided visit in Madrid secret gardens. Route of the tale of Pérez the Mouse (The Spanish equivalent to the Tooth Fairy). Christmas at the Prado Museum. Guided walk through the religious curiosities of Madrid. Visit to the Capricho Park. Route of…
Work experience in Tourism August– Oct 2018: GUÍDE –INTERPRETER ROYAL SITE OF EL PARDO. NATIONAL HERITAGE • Guided visits in Spanish and English in the Royal Palace of El Pardo. Feb. 2009 – Nowadays: OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE OF THE COMMUNITY OF MADRID • Guided visits in Museums and Monuments and guided tours in Madrid and the Community of Madrid in Spanish, English, French and Spanish Sign Language. April – July 2017: TURISMO EXPERIENCE SL • Guided visits and guided walks…
CURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS News of the First Official Tourist Guide using Sign Language and communicating freely with the hard of hearing in Spain in the media, newspapers and internet (2008). Interviews in TV and specific magazines for the deaf and hard hearing population (“Faro del silencio” nº 227 – 2009 and “Audio Infos” nº 90 – 05/2012). Guided visits in the City of Madrid and in the Community of Madrid. Contacts with agencies and enterprises in order to achieve access in…