- News of the First Official Tourist Guide using Sign Language and communicating freely with the hard of hearing in Spain in the media, newspapers and internet (2008).
- Interviews in TV and specific magazines for the deaf and hard hearing population (“Faro del silencio” nº 227 – 2009 and “Audio Infos” nº 90 – 05/2012).
- Guided visits in the City of Madrid and in the Community of Madrid.
- Contacts with agencies and enterprises in order to achieve access in Tourism for the deaf.
- Reports for the Program “En Lengua de signos” (“In Sign Language”) of the guided visits at the Sorolla Museum (11/12/2010) and at the El Escorial Monastery and the Artwork exhibition of the Painter Navarrete “The mute” (04/02/2018).
- Collaboration with the Sorolla Museum with guided visits in sign language for the deaf (January-February-March-June 2011 and June 2017).
- Presentation at “The Rights and Services” conference – 19th May 2011 in Salamanca. I showed my work as an Official Tourist Guide.
- Collaboration with the Reina Sofía Museum (June-July-September 2011) with guided visits, in sign language and in oral, in a temporary exhibition of the American painter James Castle, who was deaf.
- Teaching in Sign Language to tourist information agents of the Community of Madrid – Mad about info (2012).
- Participation at the “IV International Congress of Tourism for All” organized by ONCE in Ávila (2013)
- Finalist Prize HERMESTUR 2015 (Prize for the professionalism, human values and the work for professional associations in the tourism field).
- Presentation at the Reina Sofía Museum “Inclusive meeting of professionals” (2018).
- Getting the authorised card to access the Cathedral and Monuments of Toledo after passing a course (March 2019).
- Intervention with a Poster about my Project at the International Congress “Museums and Disability” April 2019.
- Speaker about my work at the “Conferences of Inclusion and Diversity” Mares (May 2019).
- Réalisation des diagnostics d’accessibilité pour les personnes sourds et malentendants dans le Musée de Navarra à Pamplona et le Musée du Carlisme dans la petite ville de Estrella de Navarra. (1 Octobre 2019).
- Collaboration with CALICRATES on the diagnosis of accessibility of the Museum of Navarre (Pamplona) and the Museum of Carlism in the town of Estrella in Navarre for the Deaf and hard of hearing people. (1st October 2019).
- Collaboration with Foundation Juan March with guided visits, in sign language, in temporary exhibitions:
- Genealogies of Art (Oct 2019 – January 2020).
Development until nowadays.
After obtaining both cards, I had to start from zero again to gain results. I started to make my own tourist routes in the City of Madrid and specialized guided visits to Museums and Monuments. Step by step, I achieved my aim of having groups.
I became aware of the innovation that this type of tourism could have. It is accessible Tourism, 100% without any communication barriers, and in transmitted in a direct way in Sign Language to Deaf People. For those who don’t know sign language I use clear and vocalised speech.
All of this was achieved in a satisfactory manner, which up until then had been unknown.